scope 3 supply chain webinar

Watershed event

Cracking the code on Scope 3: A playbook for supplier engagement


For many companies, emissions from the value chain (also known as Scope 3) account for the vast majority of their overall greenhouse gas emissions. Getting suppliers to take action on their emissions doesn’t just reduce your footprint; it also has ripple effects across the economy.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How to measure and manage Scope 3 (value chain) emissions
  • How to engage your suppliers at scale
  • How to enable your suppliers to start or accelerate their climate journeys
  • Tactics for getting your suppliers to make real reductions

Can’t make it to the live event? Register and receive the event recording as soon as it’s ready.


Sophia Gluck

Sophia Gluck

ESG & Sustainability Lead, Okta

Alexander Hsu

Alexander Hsu

Product Manager, Watershed

Aspen Bonini

Aspen Bonini

Customer Success Manager, Watershed

scope 3 supply chain webinar

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