csrd webinar

Watershed event

CSRD: What every company should know


The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will require more than 50,000 companies within and outside Europe to disclose their carbon emissions alongside financial data—and with the same level of rigour—starting in 2025.

Learn how to prepare for the CSRD’s reporting requirements, including:

  • Which companies will need to report, and when
  • The steps that businesses need to take to satisfy the CSRD’s requirements
  • What information you’ll need to disclose in order to prepare your first CSRD report
  • How to start preparing now


Matt Fisher

Matt Fisher

Head of Policy, Watershed

Ellen Moeller

Ellen Moeller

Head of Europe, Watershed

Henrik Sandin

Henrik Sandin

Director, Principal ESG Specialist, Workiva Inc.

Rosa Oyarzabal

Rosa Oyarzabal

Associate, Covington & Burling LLP

Jan-Hendrik Gnändiger

Jan-Hendrik Gnändiger

Global and EMA Head of ESG Reporting Advisory, KPMG

csrd webinar

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