What to know about CSRD

Watershed Guide

CSRD: What companies need to know

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, otherwise known as CSRD, standardizes all ESG reporting in the EU and will apply to non-EU companies as well. CSRD serves as the directive over ESRS (European Sustainability Reporting Standards), has overlap with other disclosures, and applies to over 50,000 companies.

Watershed helps leading companies stay ahead of climate reporting and disclosures, from understanding timelines and obligations to navigating ESRS technical standards, double materiality, overlap among regulations, and more.

Use this guide to:

  • Learn how CSRD applies to your company
  • Get a handle on the CSRD framework and regulatory timelines
  • Identify regulatory overlap that can help you save time and resources
  • Understand which sections are mandatory to comply with regulation
What to know about CSRD

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