UK regulations

SECR reporting just got a lot easier.

Large UK companies need to report their climate impact to comply with Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR). Watershed’s all-in-one software makes it, well, streamlined.

Screenshot of the Watershed Dashboard

What is SECR?

The UK government mandates large companies to disclose electricity usage and carbon emissions alongside their financials each year.

Logo of Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy

Does SECR apply to my company?

SECR applies to quoted companies of any size, large unquoted companies, and large LLPs. Unquoted companies and LLPs are “large” when they meet at least two of these criteria:

  • People250+ employees
  • Activity£36m annual turnover
  • Bank£18m balance sheet total

Companies using 40,000 kWh or less over the 12-month reporting period are exempt.

British man in sweater working on papers

Read our UK reporting guides

Measure your footprint, then instantly report.

Measure carbon footprint

1. Measure your carbon footprint

Upload utility bills and other data and Watershed will calculate your entire carbon footprint, using transparent, state-of-the-art methodologies already verified by the most exacting auditors.

Download SECR report

2. Download your SECR report

We’ll ask a few quick questions—like which of the listed requirements describe your business—then you can download a spreadsheet with all your electricity & carbon numbers ready to go.

We’re ready to power your company’s climate program, from end to end.

Explore the product ›

In good company

Leading UK businesses rely on Watershed for reporting.

We work with some of the UK’s most ambitious, forward-thinking companies to build comprehensive climate programs, including reporting SECR, CSRD, SDR, ESOS, CDP, TCFD, and more.

Monzo logoWise logoRevolut logoKainos logo& many more ›

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