February 2024 product updates

See what's new in Watershed

A picture of graphs.

It’s a short month, with no shortage of product updates. Here’s a quick roundup of new capabilities that came out in the last month.

New UI on the Watershed homepage, footprint review, and tasks

The product got a glow-up this February. The homepage and footprint review pages have a new look, with the same useful information for managing your sustainability program and sharing insights out with your stakeholders. When you look through tasks, you’ll now see they are either: "To do" , "In progress,” or "Complete,” and we’ve also streamlined the tasks UI to make it easier to understand.

Supplier-specific EFs updated on Feb 2

Watershed’s methodology now has updated supplier-specific EFs based on 2022 data submitted in 2023 CDP reports. Any measurements started on February 1st or later will use these updated supplier-specific EFs. Watershed analyzes all CDP reports to ensure a company data is robust enough for a unique emissions factor.


You will now get automated suggestions from Watershed about the potential need for deduplications in your data. You can also implement deduplication rules. This makes it easier to ensure you’re not double-counting anything in your measurement.

Granular data for business air travel

You can now see fuel combustion, radiative forcing, and well-to-tank all broken out separately. Exclude radiative forcing or include it, depending on your target setting. This helps you plan emissions reductions from air travel and figure out how much you need to buy in SAFc.

Export templates

Users can now export all the templates for a given dataset. Now, you can access the complete details of each template, including clear descriptions, custom tags, required fields, data types, and formatting notes, which helps format your data correctly. This export will include the full template spec along with: 1. Accepted subdivision and country values. 2. Accepted picklist values. 3. Whether the column is required. 4. Additional formatting notes for special columns.

New SECR report builder

This update gives companies more flexibility in Scope 3.6 reporting, and moves away from relying on specific data tags added in the measurement process. This will allow customers to more transparently understand which data has been included in the SECR report, and adjust the outputs in the SECR table for any data that should not be included.

Request expert footprint review

Once you’ve reviewed your footprint, you can either approve your footprint, or request Watershed does a footprint review for you. The number of reviews available will vary, depending on your plan.

Financial mapping export

Users can now export their financial mappings as a .csv file. This export includes all the details of your financial mappings including account numbers, names, suppliers, and associated codes from the Bureau of Economic Activity (BEA codes). Comments and flags are also included in export.

We hope you enjoy taking these new capabilities for a spin.

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