As always, we’re hard at work making Watershed more intuitive, powerful, and responsive to your feedback. New in January: methodology updates, UX improvements, and more.
Methodology updates
Our core methodologies for flights, rail travel, and logistics have been updated to improve accuracy and reflect the latest available science, including reflecting the 2024 editions of the EPA EF Hub and DEFRA's EF Database.
Increased clarity in permissions configuration
We have made some design changes to make permissions inheritance clearer. All functionality remains the same, but now you'll be able to see every possible permission, along with every user and role that has access to it.

Replace a quantitative CSRD metric with a text answer
Watershed streamlines the CSRD reporting process by calculating all ESRS metrics using our powerful data collection and ingestion functionality. Leveraging estimation methodologies and gap-fill functionality where data is missing, alongside data governance, anomaly detection, and audit tools. Moving forward, If you want to replace any calculated metric with your own text answer, however, you now have that option.

New Learning Hub courses
Throughout January, we have been hosting live training sessions to help jumpstart customers' 2024-2025 measurement seasons and familiarize them with some of Watershed’s new functionality. Customers can see recordings and supporting material for each of these trainings in the Learning Hub. View recordings (must be a customer to access).
We hope you enjoy exploring these new capabilities! As always, Watershed customers can find more information and ongoing updates in the learning hub.