As always, we’re hard at work making Watershed more intuitive, powerful, and responsive to your feedback. New this month: reporting enhancements for CDP and CSRD, and an exciting announcement.
Transmit CDP answers via the Watershed CDP API
The CDP API connection is now available to all Watershed customers. The API is the most reliable way to transmit your answers from Watershed to CDP and avoid errors that can arise from manual copying and pasting.

Table view for CDP and CSRD reporting
The new table view available within the CDP and CSRD report builders helps you more easily find and manage report questions with bulk tools and filters.

Introducing CEDA 2024
We know that the path to a sustainable future starts with accurate, timely, and complete data—because without it, there’s no strong foundation on which to perform analysis and take strategic decisions toward decarbonization. That’s why we’re excited to announce the latest update to our Comprehensive Environmental Data Archive (CEDA), available in October. Learn more.

We hope you enjoy exploring these new capabilities! As always, Watershed customers can find more information and ongoing updates in the learning hub.